Friday, May 18, 2012

Daily Formspring: 5/18

  1. Pfffft! If I felt the need to get naked to make money, I could do so much better than that tiny strip club.
  2. I've only played a bit of the very first game from back in the day. It seems hilarious, though, and I'm a huge fan of point & click adventures, so I definitely plan to play it in its entirety. That'll probably be the next one on my point & click list, as soon as I finish Monkey Island 3. I don't have as much of an interest in the newer games, since I'm more of a fan of 2D graphics, but I might check them out if I love the first one enough.
  3. First off, that's completely false! As much as I love art, gaming has always been #1 for me. That's why I love combining the two.

    My favorite modern platform is PC. I like the PS3 and the Wii as well, but the flexibility of PC gaming is unrivaled by any other platform. In fact, I play all of my Wii games on my PC now, and they look amazing in 1080p.

    Actually, I've always been a huge fan of handhelds as well. Lately, I've been playing more games on my DS than anything else.
  4. I miss my friends that aren't around, but I keep in touch with most of my friends.

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