My back pain went away again. Just like the first time it happened, I really can't explain why. I hadn't been going to therapy for several days, and I hadn't even taken any medications for a few days prior. I woke up on Tuesday, November 23rd, and the pain was gone out of nowhere. Even the very night before it stopped, it had been hurting me badly. Nearly a week later, I'm still pain-free, so my life is returning back to normal for now. I even cancelled a doctor appointment I was supposed to have today, since it's no longer necessary.
I guess I shouldn't say I'm QUITE pain-free yet. Since I went nearly an entire month without using my lower back muscles to sit up, disuse atrophy kicked in pretty hard and those muscles are now extremely weak. This exact same thing happened the last time my back stopped hurting (except it was much worse then). I can sit up just fine for short periods, but I start feeling very worn out in my low back after extended periods. It's not completely intolerable, but it's definitely uncomfy, so I'm trying to slowly get my muscles back into shape without beating them up too much.
To everyone who wished me well and prayed for me during this time, I want to extend my deepest thanks to you from the bottom of my heart. I am a very spiritual person, and I believe that prayer can change lives. You all had a hand in making this happen, and I will forever be grateful to each and every one of you. Thanks to you, I can now live normally again, and this struggle has been a big reminder of all the things in my life I take for granted that I need to be thankful for. Right now, I am the happiest that I've been in a long time. Thank you, my friends.
Now, on to some other things...
My parents were in town for the last several days for Thanksgiving, and they just went home yesterday. We had a very nice visit, as usual, and I always enjoy spending time with them. They love going to see movies frequently, so we saw two while they were here, which were Tangled and Burlesque. I enjoyed both of them more than I expected to (Tangled especially). We also spent lots of time with other family members, and Thanksgiving itself was very nice. We had a fairly large gathering at my uncle's house, and since my grandma's birthday was the day before Thanksgiving, we also celebrated that. There was tons of yummy food, of course! I hope that my American readers out there also had a nice and enjoyable Thanksgiving! Here's a picture of my family from the gathering:
And a screw up...
Since my roommates are going to be moving somewhere else in February, I am currently looking for a new place to live. I've been searching for a couple weeks now, and though I have found a couple of potential places available, I haven't managed to find anything that's perfect. Each place has had at least one or two things that bug me. Since I'm running out of time, I'll probably have to end up setting for one of those places, but I'll keep looking and looking while I still can!
One of the places is a really nice house. A lot of people live there, but they seem like a cool bunch that I would get along with well. They even met Kai and liked him! I'm pretty happy with almost everything about it, and the only thing that really bothers me is the location. It's a bit too far from where I work, and it would stink to have to either drive a long way or pay a bunch of tolls to get to work each day. My job doesn't pay enough for that kind of thing. I might end up going along with it if I don't find a place that works better, though.
Nerdy Show has been doing a lot of stuff lately. As far as things that I've taken part in, here are two Minisodes that were posted recently:
If you don't feel like clicking, the EarthBound Fanfest has been an ongoing event put on by, which involves shipping a copy of EarthBound around to various people and groups all around the country and having each one play a designated part of the game while trying to complete some challenges. Nerdy Show participated in it, and I'm really happy I got to take part! It was a lot of fun.
You can watch a recording of the stream here, if you feel like it:
As usual, I didn't talk very much (mainly because my back was bothering me), but I still had a good time!
So, how about that Black Friday! Did any of you rush out into the crowds and get some sweet deals? I sure as heck didn't! I worked! That was my first time ever working on Black Friday, and it wasn't as crazy as I thought it would be! Though, part of the reason for that is because my store was open the night before from midnight to 3 AM, and a big crowd came in for that. When I worked the morning shift, we did have a nice, big crowd, but it was nothing too insane. It was actually pretty fun! I had a good time!
As far as buying stuff, I did get a new copy of the second Professor Layton game from my store for $17.50. Not the BIGGEST deal ever, but since those games never drop in value, I thought I should jump on it. I also bought a few things today so far for Cyber Monday. The strangest of those things was a pair of pearl earrings. The reason why it's strange is because I got them! Since when have they sold stuff like that?! They were a really nice price, though, so I got'em. I also purchased Monkey Island 2 Special Edition and Knights of the Old Republic 1 from Steam. It looks like Amazon is going to have a few games on sale later today that I'm interested in, but I probably won't be around for those sales. Oh well!
Rest in peace, Leslie Nielsen. You were a funny, funny man, and I shall try to remember you with laughter instead of sadness.
Rest in peace, Leslie Nielsen. You were a funny, funny man, and I shall try to remember you with laughter instead of sadness.
I think that covers most of the big things that have been going on lately. This is already a huge entry, so I shall bring it to a close. I'm a little torn at the moment, because I was planning on spending this afternoon/evening at Disney (Hollywood Studios, to be exact), but it started raining not long ago! I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go now. I guess I'll have to decide quick, because the day isn't getting any younger! I'm so anxious to get back to Disney, because I wasted a whole month of being able to use my seasonal pass, thanks to my back pain! I must make up for lost time. I was actually planning to go to Hollywood Studios right when my back pain started up again, so I had to cancel that visit. I basically postponed it for a month. EDIT: Didn't go to Disney. The weather was too crappy. Oh well! There's always next time.
Crap, I just realized I need a new poll. I'll make a new one later as soon as I think of one.
Thank you for reading all of this, folks! You're the best! Let's end this with a photo of my daddy and I: