Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday, ugh

Well, it's currently past 12 AM, the morning of Black Friday. I really need to be asleep right now, since I have to be at work at 7:30 AM, but I'm not tired at all. Really dreading the day. :\

I just need to keep reminding myself that this will be the last time I'll ever work Black Friday at a retail store!

I've still been working on getting my online store set up, and getting products made for it. It will be ready soon!

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. I had two dinners, one with family and one with friends, and they were both delicious.


  1. Good luck with selling to those crazy customers haha. Make sure you make the most of Riots Black Friday sale too! Professor Ryze here I come.

  2. OHHHHH black Friday... i was out earlier today, but the thing is i saw no fights, no screaming moms trying to get a dress... so i feel like i was cheated out of the experience... though it was still fun to get what i needed
